Madaba, Jordan
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
Nessun avviso.
Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
31.4269, 35.804 : 780.0 m
6:53 AM
5:47 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa orientale (+0300)
In november, we sometimes had east wind the entire day. Also flyable in the morning. Nice and easy site.
Easy takeoff. Land on top. No problem down in the valley. It's about 1,5 kilometer east of the road. Leave the road near the Trajan Hotel, go east through the fields, you can find tracks. ? ?
Carefull the east wind might get stronger at sunset.
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