
Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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Condizioni attuali

Nessun avviso.

Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?

Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


45.0067, 2.8143 : 1293.0 m

Landing Zone

44.9939, 2.81 : 847.0 m


7:35 AM


7:47 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0200)

Super thermical site. Cross possible without risks. Very cool lift on evenings

Wide and clean takeoff with room for many wings. Cleaned by the local club. Beware of the cows. Wide landing field with an (air indicator) on the barrier near the middle. On the right of the road before Brezons, straight on the road leaving the takeoff. Can be seen from takeoff, but not easily noticable, please have a go on it first. The end of the field can be drawn with water. And the beginning is under the influence of the trees on descending wind. Do not land on the fields nearby, this one is large enough. Speak with the locals and peasants if seen. Stop at the FFVL board on the side of the road coming from pratdebouc. The take off is at the end of the trak, trough the fields. Beware of the cows. na. na.

Very strong thermals in summer. Do not land above the cliff to the left of taking off. Dangerous.

Le seguenti persone sono attivamente seguendo gli aggiornamenti di questo sito.

7 km
13 km
14 km
17 km
17 km
18 km
27 km
39 km
52 km


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NNW 0 0