
Victoria, Australia

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Andrew Bucknill connesso a 11 km volo
Andrew Bucknill connesso a 11 km volo
Aaron Hughes pubblicato un video
150806 Speedwing Paragliding Kilcunda Victoria Australia

Aaron Hughes pubblicato un video
150301 Speedwing Paragliding Hangliding Kilcunda Victoria Australia

Lots of Speedwings up in 15+ knots, gusty at times and a bit South. Stuart was there at 8.30, Gil, Rob and others got to the Powerlett River and back. Adam, Mick ...

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150301 Speedwing Paragliding Hangliding Kilcunda Victoria Australia
Lots of Speedwings up in 15+ knots, gusty at times and a bit South. Stuart was there at 8.30, Gil, Rob and others got to the Powerlett River and back. Adam, Mick ...
Aaron Hughes aggiunto questo

Paragliding - South Gippsland including Kilcunda November 2009
Saturday 14 November 2009 - Sensational late Spring day. South Gippsland including Kilcunda (just east of Philip Island). Checked Cape Liptrap which was ...
Aaron Hughes aggiunto questo


-38.5623, 145.492 : 16.0 m


7:24 AM


5:25 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Australia orientale (+1000)

initialy imported from International Leonardo

Kilcunda The Graveyard site consists of dunes on the stretch of coast between the town of Kilcunda and Cape Patterson, and is suitable for STUDENT rated pilots upwards. It may be soared, and offers a glide for learners when the tide is out. In June 2009, Launching from the disused railway embankment within the coastal reserve close to town has been temporarily prohibited for use by Parks Victoria and VHPA. Flight In lighter winds, the dune takeoff at the Graveyard (on west side of the path in to the beach) is preferred for hang gliders, as the embankment take off further West around the rocky point is quite low and is suitable only for stronger winds. The dune face is broken and uneven further to the East, but there's a good high soarable dune face about 400m long at the Graveyard takeoff. In a good wind (15kts), it is eminently soarable, but beware - this site has claimed a life in light winds when scratching the low dunes Beach landing, or go for a drag through the scrub when the wind picks up & you are not watching the signs....

The takeoff at the Graveyard is directly above a popular surf fishing spot, so beware of people and fishing equipment on the beach when landing. The Graveyard launch does have a limited takeoff run. It has become very overgrown, so watch out for undergrowth snagging the hang glider control bar on the takeoff run. Paraglider, student and novice pilots should consider walking along the beach to the East about 150m and launching from some less overgrown although lower dunes. There is very little beach at low tide. Be careful not to catch a wingtip in the face of the dunes when scratching if the wind is light.

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53 km
55 km


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