Muttonbird Beach

Western Australia, Australia

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Aaron Hughes pubblicato un video
Paragliding Muttonbird 2015

Paragliding At Muttonbird Beach Albany.

Direzione richiesta lancio del vento

Paragliding Muttonbird 2015
Paragliding At Muttonbird Beach Albany.
Aaron Hughes aggiunto questo


-35.044, 117.689 : 5.0 m


7:08 AM


5:24 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Australia occidentale (+0800)

One of the most consistently on sites in WA, this is a coastal dune site suitable for beginners. The low height of the dune means it is still flyable in Albany's famously strong winds when the bigger sites are blown out. Good fun too. Turn Left off Lower Denmark Road between Elleker and Albany at the signposted bitumen road. This road is a loop, about half way along is a gravel road signposted to mutton Bird Island. Follow this to end T junction, then turn right to lookout and car park 100m on. Limited 4WD access to beach depending on Salmon fishing. Otherwise walk down to Beach.

Launch from the beach, or small top launch for hang gliders near car park. A 1 - 2m sub dune in front of the main one can make launching tricky in light winds. Beware of rotor behind island. Relatively safe place to be blown back, but some of those peppermint trees are bigger than they look. The ridge is about 2km long in a slight bowl, be prepared for a hike down the beach to a favorable bit of dune if the wind is more S than SW.

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