Istria County, Croatia
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
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Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
45.3367, 13.8279 : 248.0 m
45.3465, 13.8287 : 9.0 m
7:37 AM
4:56 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0100)
Take off is on club leased land and so to speak private. No flying without previously notifying the operator. The take off is just below the old city walls with restaurants and there are usually many people watching. The take off is steep and narrow, although big enough to lay out two gliders next to each other. Only one can launch at the time. Please make sure you do not fly too close to buildings and people. Avoid flying directly over buildings and keep flying in front of the old town rather than above. Due to great public exposure pilots are asked to fly conservatively. Landing is next to the bridge over river Mirna down in the valley. In tourist season cars are charged a daily parking fee down at the bottom of Motovun. One can drive half way up, park somewhere close to the cemetery and then walk another 200m. Access to the take of is to the right just before the arched town gate (past the rubbish containers), down the stairs and through some fruit trees to get to the take off. Before flying pilots need to contact the site operator. Mobile number: +385989228081 (Airie) Before flying pilots need to contact the site operator. Mobile number: +385989228081 (Airie)
Bura (NE wind)! The take off is in the rotor of the NE wind blowing over the top of the old town and the wind sock might be showing misleading wind direction. If you are unsure of the general wind direction go for a walk around the city walls to get a true picture.