Hradec Králové Region, Czech Republic
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
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Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
50.6575, 15.9885 : 869.0 m
50.6683, 15.9712 : 533.0 m
7:15 AM
4:06 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0100)
Easy starting place is about 50 meters long and the same width with trees around. Be careful about the wind direction 'cause sometimes (better to say manytimes) it looks good but above the trees it will be very different. Both wind direction and velocity. Is good to climb up the transmitter to check it. Is easy and everywhere possible with no problems with owners. Walking up the hill on the way from the willage called Bernartice which is near the city Trutnov
Nothing special - it is friendly area. Just the wind direction was mentioned in the start specification
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