Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, France
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
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Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
48.6775, 7.312 : 526.0 m
48.6719, 7.31946 : 324.0 m
7:43 AM
4:48 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0100)
XC to Haut Barr castle (up north) is a classic. Max. height : 1520m Flights are NOT ALLOWED from monday 06h00 friday 15h00 (military zone). Access to the site is strictly FORBIDDEN in September (deers fornication ...).
460 meters. From Hangwiller, turn left and cross the village . Follow the path which leads to the forest over the village (6 kms). Park your car on the left hand side where 6 paths (!!!) cross each other. Follow the path for 200 meters to the take-off. Large and easy take off. Landing on the right (not visble from LZ). Landing small for hangglider 280 meters. 500 meters before Reinhardsmunster on the left (from Hangwiller). Take the small path, park the car. The landing zone is the second field (by the hill). na. na. na.
Take off a bit dangerous by strong wind, especially NE & SE.
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