Normandy, France
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
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Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
48.8556, -0.486944 : 198.0 m
7:50 AM
5:41 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0100)
no problems just front of the takeoff in the valley. village of St Denis de Méré on the field named 'Le val Pichard',altitude 69m, 5ha in Berjou, pass near the church and follow on the right towards 'le chemin des oiseaux' and turn immediately on the right in a little way. follow this way for 500m. parking at the end of the way on the right. na. na.
Do not fly with paragliders with a strong wind because of hazardous landing in the valley
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