
Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées, France

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Condizioni attuali

Nessun avviso.

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Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


44.5092, 1.89389 : 299.0 m


7:39 AM


7:51 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0200)

Very thermic site, large rock surface. Watch out for the cables under launch.

na. Dont land in the field in the valley, when cultivated. Goto Cadrieu, direction Grealou on the plateau at the end of the straight line. Take 'Igne de Toulze' pass ther highest point, it's 200m on the left. na. na.

8 km
30 km
40 km
45 km
45 km
47 km
49 km
48 km
51 km


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ENE 0 0
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ESE 0 0
SE 10 0
SSE 10 0
S 10 0
SSW 0 0
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WSW 0 0
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WNW 0 0
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NNW 0 0