Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
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44.6789, 6.23556 : 1373.0 m
44.6686, 6.24694 : 1172.0 m
7:42 AM
5:57 PM
Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0100)
Sorry, I never used the landing. I use this site only for XC. It seems that I have the site record: landing at 'Chamonix', official landing (Bois du Bouchet). 187km with 2 points: Chamrousse and Megève. take off at 11h30, landing at 18h30. South wind conditions. (Nico)
Alti: 1550m you can see it from the valley, on the top of a little hill with a pretty little village: 'Les Richards'. Grass, large take off. From the landing area take the road to the mountain, cross the little village (pass a farm) and park your car near the take off. Don't forgot to close the enclosure in your back. I never use it, please complete this subject. From Gap cross the Bayard pass and turn to the right, Ocière-Merlette direction. Cross the 'Pont du Fossé' village and turn to the left after 200m. Follow the sign 'décollage' or 'Les Richards'.
With strong valley wind landing could be difficult.
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