Caron Nord

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, France

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E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare

Condizioni attuali

Nessun avviso.

Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?

Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


45.2635, 6.5631 : 3069.0 m

Landing Zone

45.296, 6.5651 : 2096.0 m


6:13 AM


9:07 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0200) winds in real time (no average winds) The winds in 'Moraine' are stonger cause Venturi of the Glacier du Col.

On black slope of Caron, North-east to North-West (the best). follow the slope, let the cable car far on your left to have enough place to take off. Chalet de Caron (2100m) or (for acrobatics) Téléphérique de Caron (take care of downward winds!) Val Thorens Ski-resort in station: take cairn cable cars, arrive to Caron's lift and caron cable car to finish. Walk to black slope of Caron. You have a parking at Caron's lift, on the road of Val Thorens NEVER TAKE OFF ON OPEN SLOPE NEVER LAND ON OPEN SLOPE NEVER TAKE OFF ON OPEN SLOPE NEVER LAND ON OPEN SLOPE

Nofly day when foehn

14 km
23 km
34 km
34 km
35 km
37 km
38 km
39 km
46 km


N 10 0
NNE 0 5
NE 0 5
ENE 0 5
E 0 5
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
W 0 5
WNW 0 5
NW 10 0
NNW 10 0