Sestola M. Calvanella (MO)

Emilia-Romagna, Italy

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Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


44.217, 10.7605 : 1498.0 m


7:05 AM


7:13 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0200)

Good XC site for experienced pilots. Not suitable for beginners unless properly supervised. Ideal winds: N, NW, NE; weak S. Be careful with E and W. Avoid flying with strong wind particulary warning with W and S: is normally substimate wind force with meridional winds from inexperienced or foregnier pilots

North: easy; grassy and ample. Ski track with gentle slope. With E winds the takeoff is in turbulence due to the tree line: a lot better with right direction in take off, near tree line South: technical; rocky and steep. Requires good control. E winds perfect for 'passo serra' take off near (1 km) to Pian del Falco, under road for winter ski area. S - W wind: remember others take off near Sestola Pian del Falco in plenty S - W direction. 'Pian Cavallaro 1800mt.' in ski area and 'Croce Arcana 1800mt' Fanano municipality. Spectacular spots! The official landing is near the horse ranch, just above the road. Watch out for the telephone line that crosses the landing field. There are many unofficial emergency landings in the area that can be used when going XC; however, land preferably in the official landing if possible. Exit A1 (Milano-Bologna highway) at Modena Sud. Follow Vignola, then Fanano, then Sestola. From Sestola take a panoramic road to Pian del Falco. The takeoff is the hill just above Pian del Falco; 30 minutes by feet, service Jeep pick up (Pian del Falco ski rental) Leave your car at Pian del Falco, do not try to drive up to the takeoff. Try and land in the official landing. Respect crops and pastures. Leave your car at Pian del Falco, do not try to drive up to the takeoff. Try and land in the official landing. Respect crops and pastures.

Do not fly with S - W winds; this is Appenine foehn and can be extremely rough. S - W wind strength can increase in few minutes. Avoid flying with strong wind particulary warning with W and S: is normally substimate wind force with meridional winds from inexperienced or foregnier pilots This site works better in post-frontal conditions. Pre-frontal conditions often bring S - W winds.

12 km
21 km
24 km
33 km
34 km
39 km
56 km


N 10 0
NNE 10 0
NE 10 0
ENE 0 5
E 0 5
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 5
S 0 5
SSW 0 5
SW 0 5
WSW 0 5
W 0 5
WNW 0 5
NW 10 0
NNW 10 0