Rampa Vila Velha

State of Paraná, Brazil

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Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


-25.2739, -49.9989 : 922.0 m

Landing Zone

-25.2679, -49.9971 : 818.0 m


7:00 AM


5:53 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard di Brasilia (-0300)

with a vertical drop of 110m and 900m lift area , elevation is composed of escarpment.There is the possibility of landing on the takeoff area.Have a XC condition, with flat area and some roads to route.

Takeoff area is wide and clear. The landing is large and flat, consisting of undergrowth. The BR376 highway , leaving Ponta Grossa toward Curitiba around 30km. After passing the roundabout access to the Vila Velha Park, about 300 meters there is the entrance to the Vila Velha Farm. Following a dirt road about 4km always following the left , stopping the car in the farm in front of a eucalyptus grove , walking about 100m from the eucalyptus is the takeoff place. The takeoff is opposite the vila Velha across the road. Area without air restriction , only carefully the aerodrome Santanna , with little movement at 18km NW. Area without air restriction , only carefully the aerodrome Santanna , with little movement at 18km NW.

The region is in temperate zone , subtropical, the 900 meters sea level and with moderate winds throughout the year. Best time for flights in the spring, winter and autumn.

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