Roc de Frausa, Les Salines

Catalonia, Spain

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Condizioni attuali

Nessun avviso.

Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?

Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


42.4225, 2.7302 : 1422.0 m

Landing Zone

42.3877, 2.7545 : 362.0 m


7:36 AM


7:47 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard dell’Europa centrale (+0200)

Take of at 1450m Landing at 450m So a 1000m flight

Very small and techincal. Near to antenna 1450m, In a place called El Moixer. Flight is possible from S, SE, SO Near to swimmingpool of Massanet de Cabrenys. In Massanet de Cabrenys (17720) take road to el Santuari de les Salines, after 12 km you need to go to the left until big antenne on the top of mountain (1450 m), Take off is near to antenna,

Don't fly with tramuntana, it is very dangerous wind

5 km
17 km
18 km
22 km
37 km
46 km
50 km
52 km
51 km


N 0 0
NNE 0 0
NE 0 0
ENE 0 0
E 0 0
ESE 0 0
SE 10 0
SSE 10 0
S 10 0
SSW 10 0
SW 10 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0