Alto Lucero

Veracruz, Mexico

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Direzione richiesta lancio del vento


19.6135, -96.7147 : 1060.0 m

Landing Zone

19.6186, -96.7086 : 690.0 m


6:15 AM


6:25 PM

Fuso orario

Ora standard centrale USA (-0600)

Alto Lucero is the new place for flying close to the capital of Veracruz State. Great place for XC, the place is termic and soaring spot. The glass off or 'restitución' is amazing in the evening but the XC potential in the morning and before 3.00pm is asome. Known as 'los Huajes' very close to Take off mountain. less than 2 km away from mountain. you can see it fron the take off. next to th LZ there use to be a little circular lake. Only 40 minutes from Xalapa and 2:30 from Puebla and 3.40 from Mexico city. Take the highway to Veracruz and crossing puebla you will find an exit to Xalapa. Once in Xalapa go ENE and follow directions to Alto Lucero. about 4km back of the mountain there is a High power line. be carefull about 4km back of the mountain there is a High power line. be carefull

Only Flyable with E and NE winds

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N 0 5
NNE 0 5
NE 10 0
ENE 10 0
E 10 0
ESE 0 5
SE 0 5
SSE 0 0
S 0 0
SSW 0 0
SW 0 0
WSW 0 0
W 0 0
WNW 0 0
NW 0 0
NNW 0 0