England, UK
E 'libero di aderire spedmo e iniziare a collaborare
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Ricordate prima di ogni volo, controllare la vostra attrezzatura , rivalutare le condizioni e chiedetevi se 'sono al sicuro '?
50.8615, 0.0509 : 137.0 m
50.8577, 0.057 : 7.0 m
7:20 AM
5:09 PM
Ora del meridiano di Greenwich (+0000)
A conical dome, extending to a south-west face and bowl beyond. It is often affected by the sea breeze which can make the air rough. The lift band is typically small, and the site can become crowded. Marshalling restrictions are sometimes applied.
Take off is on the peak of the hill. A 10 minute walk up the hill (150m) South of the take off, in between the railway and road. The landing field is huge, but often contains cows. Do not overfly the cottages near to the entrance to the landing field. There is a car park in the landing field, or the site is an easy 15-20minute walk from Glynde railway station, by the Airworks school. There is controlled airspace just to the north of the hill at 3500 ft msl. This drops to 2500 ft. a few kilometres further north. There is controlled airspace just to the north of the hill at 3500 ft msl. This drops to 2500 ft. a few kilometres further north.
Standard British caveats, however this site often blows out in the sea breeze in the summer afternoon.
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